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Since 1987, your donations and fundraiser participation has helped provide scholarship grants to graduating Greely High School students and Greely graduates continuing their education. The fund has awarded over $358,000 in grants to more than 200 Greely graduates.

CNY Lions Club Scholarship Fund
Graduates Holding Diplomas_edited_edited

The Cumberland-North Yarmouth Lions Club Scholarship Fund was organized in 1987 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable Maine non-profit corporation. The fund provides scholarship grants to graduating Greely High School students and Greely graduates continuing their education for a Bachelor's or Associate's degree in a college or trade school of their choice. The fund, now in its third decade, has awarded over $358,000 in grants to more than 200 Greely graduates.


The Officers and the Directors of the Cumberland-North Yarmouth Lions Club serve concurrently as the officers and directors of the Fund, along with a Fund Administrator and Treasurer. The Scholarship Fund committee, composed of club members and one or more citizens from the community, serve as an oversight, scholarship selection, and investment advisory group for the fund.


The selection of a Greely High School graduate applicant enrolled as a sophomore, junior or senior pursuing a forestry-related degree program at the University of Maine may be considered for the Lions Ernest J. Rand Forestry Scholarship. Ernest Rand was instrumental in the development, planting and recognition by Maine of Cumberland’s town forest in 1928.


As a federally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable corporation, the scholarship fund is eligible to accept tax deductible gifts for general or specific scholarship grants and awards. With continued community support, the fund hopes to continue providing additional scholarships while increasing grant amounts.

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